Clockwise: Eric(my hunky redneck husband; Samuel and I; Eric's mom with Samuel,
Eric's sister and her son; and Samuel and I (top)
We got to see some amazing fireworks on the beach of a lake on our Michigan vacation! The above pictures were taken on the night before Fourth of July! Eric's mom, Eric's sister and her son, and my sister and her boyfriend , as well as Eric, Samuel, and I had a great time watching them! 
Clockwise: Samuel holding a flag; Eric holding Samuel at the parade ; a cool red car;
Samuel and I; a horse drawn wagon in the parade.
We got to watch a really great parade in Dorr, Michigan with family members on the Fourth I think the funnest things the floats handed out was frozen popsicles. Definitely hit the spot on a hot day!
Clockwise: Eric pushing the colorful umbrella : Eric and I sitting in the yard after the parade:
Samuel and his cousin looking at their great grandpa out the window; Samuel and I at the carnival
After the parade on the Fourth, we went to a carnival place and got ox burgers. Our stroller doesn't have a canopy, so we rigged up this colorful umbrella as a substitute! We probably looked pretty funny!
cute sights on the Island!
We went to this really cute island right by Holland, Michigan. We went to see this lighthouse below. It is called Ol' Red! It was a long walk to get to it, but really cool to see. It was right by the Harbor.
Clockwise: Eric, Samuel and I : Samuel and I by the Harbor:
Me on the Lighthouse steps: Eric and Samuel: Ol' Red Lighthouse
It was a really fun vacation! We hung out with family, did a lot of swimming at the Lake, I went out on the canoe with my husband, we brought Samuel to the kids pool, Ate yummy ice cream, Enjoyed the Fourth of July festivities, and rode around in a Ranger with my husband! So fun!