We came back from our Christmas Break in Michigan around the first week of January, and Eric got back to teaching at Mt. Carmel School. The children and I also got back to Homeschooling, after a fairly lengthy break. I was very excited to see that Samuel is now making more progress with learning to read! We were very happy to be able to see our friends Jake and Naomi Litchfield and Andrew and Morgan Street and their families in January too. What a blessing for me to be able to visit with my sweet friends Morgan and Naomi! In January, we got a huge snowstorm with about 16-20 inches of snow. It was so pretty, and Eric had a great time playing in it with our 4-wheeler. He even rigged up a snow plow to push snow with his 4-wheeler with! I love his inventiveness! Before we got the huge snow, we had a smaller amount of snow, and he pulled the children behind the 4-wheeler on their sleds. One day I went out and rode too, but then the rope broke! I did do some sledding though, but didn't have proper snow boots, and kept falling all over the place! Also, Naomi had her 3rd birthday! We had a princess party for her with the Englehardts and some of the college students! It was on one of the biggest snow days too! Jesus really helped me make her a pretty cake, and she loved it! So those were the main happenings of January. It was a nice first month of the year!

Me and Jasmine in January
We had LOTS of snow!
Naomi in the snow. Her Grandma gave her this pretty coat!
Naomi about to blow out her candles at her princess party for her 3rd birthday
Our friend Wesley, holding Jasmine at Naomi's birthday party
Eric and Samuel playing a game over Christmas break

Jasmine pulling up on stuff
Naomi's pretty birthday cake! Thank God it came out nice. Mine don't always!
Naomi at her princess party!
Cute Jasmine all dressed up for Naomi's party
Eric and Samuel played Legos a lot in late winter.
Eric and Samuel built some pretty neat things on those very cold winter days!
Naomi received a nice sea side play doh set from our friends the Englehardts for her birthday.
Jasmine one cold winter day. She is wearing a cute mint green that Ashley, a sweet college girl made for Naomi for her birthday, but then Naomi didn't want to wear it, but it looked adorable on Jasmine!
I loved Naomi's outfit on this cold winter day!
Samuel and Naomi on a very cold snowy day
Naomi loved this really cute bear hat that her Maw Maw Dee gave her. She liked pretending she was a bear.
This was close to Valentines I think, on a somewhat mild day. Her Maw Maw Dee sent her this cute little hearts skirt
I love this picture of Samuel and Naomi together. They are good friends!
This cute little hearts necklace making set was a gift from us for her for Christmas. Her and I enjoyed making a necklace for her and her friend Joy Englehardt for Valentines.
One of Naomi's cute 3rd Birthday cards.
(Bottom) - Jasmine and I at the camping themed KMBCS Winter Banquet. I thought the banquet was fancy until right before it. I was all dressed up, and then had to quickly change when I heard. I let Jasmine keep on her fancier clothes though. The banquet was so much fun, and the food was amazing!