Monday, March 7, 2011

Monday {Blessing Counting Day}

Blessings #40 - #46

40) A wonderful revival service on Friday night and the song, " I will Serve Thee."
41) A dear sweet saint who went to Heaven unexpectantly this week.
42) Sitting beside my husband in church
43) My husband able to walk without crutches.
44) Gathering together in a little country church with other brothers and sisters from fellow churches
45) The fact that almost all pot-lucks have deviled eggs
46) My son cut two teeth this week.

"In Everything Give Thanks, for this is the 
will of God, in Christ Jesus Concerning you."
-1 Thessalonians 5:18 


  1. Hannah,
    I jumped over from Ann's tonight and I like #42. It is indeed a blessing to sit beside my husband in church. May you have a wonderful week in the Lord.
    Blessings, Beth

  2. I am new here and would love for you to come visit and follow me also.
