Monday, April 25, 2011

{ Monday - Blessing Counting Day!}

Blessings #75 - #81

75) A really moving and thought-provoking Easter Cantata last Sunday night, complete with acting!
76) Celebrating a Seder meal on Passover - a time of Rememberence!
77)  Life, because He gave His!
78)  Putting together Samuel's first Easter basket!
79)  A fun Easter egg hunt and pinata Saturday at our church.
80)  Resurrection Sunday - Because He lives, we also shall Live!
81)  Another Easter Cantata last night, white tablecloths and flowers for Easter lunch, Easter candy!

"He is not here: for he is risen..."
-Matthew 28:6a


  1. Wonderful blessings! Good for you for taking the time to recognize and appreciate them :)

  2. Just found your lovely blog somehow. I love the name and the essence of the meaning. I'm your newest follower and would be delighted to have you follow me back. Samuel is a doll! My baby's middle name too. Truly a gift from God.
