Monday, August 29, 2011

{ Monday - Blessing Counting Day! }

Blessings : #124 - #139

1) Swimming in the lake with my husband and baby son!
2) A beautiful fallish/summerish Sunday! Absolutely perfect weather!
3) Samuel and I playing with his blocks!
4) Birthday shopping for Samuel for his first birthday!
5) Canoeing down the river with one of my good friends on Saturday!
6) A cute sweet husband to meet me when we were done!
7) A Whole Foods tote bag with lots of yummy goodies given to me!

"In Everthing Give Thanks, for this
is the will of God, in Christ Jesus Concerning you."
-1 Thessalonians 5:18


  1. Sounds like you have been enjoying some beautiful weather! Wish I could have enjoyed some canoeing this weekend.

    Visiting from Ann's blog

  2. Enjoyed reading your blog post. sounded like some great blessings.
    Visiting also from Ann's blog.
    Have a great day

  3. Our weather would have been beautiful had it not been for the hurricane. But sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. Loved you list (and the name of your blog).

    Maria @ Linen & Verbena

  4. Lovely list! I love canoeing, never got to go out this summer though...

    I came over from Ann's blog. :)
