1) Worshiping the Lord to a beautiful song on my Pandora.
2) The beautiful blooming tree outside that smells so good!
3) Beautifully decorated cupcakes on Sunday!
4) Eating Chinese food with my family and visiting with friends.
5) Wearing a flowy springy skirt and sandals one day this week!
6) Getting a really good grade on a test!
7) Getting a new cordless phone this week!
8) Hearing my son say " Bah" ( bye) to everyone!
9) Yummy pizza that my husband made Friday night.
10) Eric and I continuing our competition in our games of Battleship! I win a lot! It's fun!
11) Singing " The Wonder of It All" to Samuel one night, and then Watching George Beverly Shea
sing it on You Tube.
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