Blessings #41-#53
41) Beautiful Spring Weather in which I can wear short sleeves
42) Beautiful trees in bloom of white and purple
43) Yellow Daffodills in bloom everywhere
44) Family visiting us over Spring Break.
45) Red River Gorge...trout streams...Elk views(but no elk!)
46) A husband who surprised me and brought me to a cool pizza place on a date.
47) A husband who likes to fish.
48) A girls party and lots of ethnic food!
49) My husband being able to walk around
50) Shopping in Lexington...and finding some nice clothes
51) Visiting church people on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
52) The nice lady at Waffle House.
53) Saint Patrick, the courageous missionary to the Irish....we eat corned beef and wear green to honor him
"In Everything Give Thanks, for this is the will
of God, in Christ Jesus Concerning you."
-1Thessalonians 5:18