Sunday, September 23, 2012

{ Happy Lord's Day! }

Have you had a wonderful Lord's Day! I have had quite a good one. We sang some wonderful songs in church this morning. One of my favorites is  the hymn, "And Can It Be". I had yummy pumpkin pie, ham, stuffing, etc. for Sunday lunch (made by someone other than me), and the Lord really helped me with Samuel this evening in church, as my husband preached a really good message, and I actually got to stay in and listen to the whole thing! Samuel can get quite rambuctious in church, and sometime makes a lot of noise. I did bring his little backpack leash, and put it on him so he wouldn't run off, and I tried to keep him occupied, and a friend was sweet, and passed him some snacks too! Then this evening, we played UNO with some friends. It has been a wonderful day and start to the week!

Friday, September 21, 2012

{ Euphoria! }

Our new baby is going to be a GIRL!!!!
I am so very excited! Dreams of tiny girly clothes, little  ballerina looking shoes, adorable
hair bands, and pink girly diapers are dancing through my head! Being a mommy
to a girl should be pretty fun! I will hopfully have someone to do all
the girly stuff with!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

{ Movie Time! }

I watched this movie about a week ago, and I fell in love with it! My mom tells me that there is an older version too, which I shall have to watch sometime. I love the fact that they have 18 kids between them, and I love the old lighthouse where they live!

Monday, September 10, 2012

{ Monday - Blessing Counting Day! }

1) Windows wide open!

2) Perfect weather outside!

3) The start of a new crocheted blanket.

4) Candy corn

5) Swinging with my son.

6) Eating cookies with a friend and her girls.

7) Listening to a Collingsworth family concert.

8) Yummy cheese dip!

9) My son giving me a yellow flower!

10) A wonderful sermon Sunday night, and young people seeking God.

"In Everything give Thanks, for this is the will
of God, in Christ Jesus concerning you."
-1 Thessalonians 5:18

Friday, September 7, 2012

{ Wardrobe Inspiration }

Today's wardrobe inspiration is about the Fair. Have you ever been to a state or county fair? I have been to a county fair once when I was about 21, and it was my first time to ride on a ferris wheel! Can you believe it! I would love to go to another one sometime. We might go to a Bluegrass festival in a couple of weeks. That should be fun. So here is today's wardrobe inspiration!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Monday, September 3, 2012

{Monday- Blessing Counting Day! }

1) For the big rustic box that is now a toy box that sits in the corner of our living room!

2) For our son's second birthday this week!

3) Picking up candy at the local parade!

4) Buying fall decor items at the local festival.

5) Feeling the baby move as I lie in bed in the morning.

6) Building "boats" with Samuel.

7) Getting a lot from my devotions in the book of Romans.

8) Oreo pie!

"In Everything give thanks, for this is the will
of God, in Christ Jesus concerning you."
-1 Thessalonians 5:18