Monday, August 29, 2011

{ Monday - Blessing Counting Day! }

Blessings : #124 - #139

1) Swimming in the lake with my husband and baby son!
2) A beautiful fallish/summerish Sunday! Absolutely perfect weather!
3) Samuel and I playing with his blocks!
4) Birthday shopping for Samuel for his first birthday!
5) Canoeing down the river with one of my good friends on Saturday!
6) A cute sweet husband to meet me when we were done!
7) A Whole Foods tote bag with lots of yummy goodies given to me!

"In Everthing Give Thanks, for this
is the will of God, in Christ Jesus Concerning you."
-1 Thessalonians 5:18

Monday, August 22, 2011

{Monday - Blessing Counting Day!}

Blessings #117 -#123

1) My little son walking all over the place!
2) Homemade ice cream on Sunday night!
3) New Students for us to get to know!
4) Enjoying walking around outside of church with Samuel.
5) Candles burning!
6) Getting to enjoy my birthday roses all week!
7) Watching a movie with my husband!

"In Everything Give Thanks, for this is the will of God,
in Christ Jesus concerning you!
-1 Thessalonians 5:18

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

{ What I Love - Wednesday}

This last week we celebrated our 2nd Anniversary, and both Eric and I's birthdays! It was a very fun weekend! We went swimming twice, ate out twice, and got ice cream! So in honor of our birthdays and Anniversary, here is some adorable images!

Source: via Hannah on Pinterest
On our Honeymoon! We went to eat at this place for both of our subsequent anniversaries too!

Love the color of this cake!

All of our birthdays are in August, so it is Party Month!


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

{Fabulously Feminine - Tuesday}

Here are some fabulously feminine ladies. Aren't their  outfits absolutely beautiful and colorful! Hope you love the fabulous inspiration!

 1)Kristina J. is really rocking this beautiful orange and blue outfit!
2)Mrs. Dork looks so pretty in her ruffly skirt! She is just married too!
3)Mandy's skirt is so beautiful!
4)Tara's stunning colorful outfit is so pretty!
5)I am in love with Nina's beautiful yellow skirt!


Here are some beautiful moms-to-be  showing off their bumps in beautiful feminine style!

1)I love the bright blue pattern of Molly's dress and her awesome orange shoes!
2)Sydney's  ensemble of aqua dress and mustard cardigan is so effortless looking and adorable!
3)Priscilla looks so beautiful in her gorgeous white dress with the pink cardigan and turqoise!

Hope you enjoyed this Tuesday's edition of "Fabulously Feminine!"

Monday, August 15, 2011

{ Monday - Blessing Counting Day!}

Blessings # 110 -#116

1) A happy 2 years so far of married life to my wonderful husband!
2) Yummy bacon, cilantro, feta cheese, and chorizo pizza at a cool place!
3) Dancing and twirling!
4) Swimming at a lake and walking along the beach with my son
5) My husband's birthday!
6) Another year of life for me!
7) A beautiful boquet of roses...yummy quesadillas...and ice cream... all from my husband for my birthday!

"In Everything Give thanks, for this is the
will of God, in Christ Jesus Concerning you.
-1 Thessalonians 5:18

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

{ What I Love Wednesday! }

Remember how I am in love with everything Nautical? Well,  here is what I want to do!

Go Here!

Source: via Anya on Pinterest

Ride this!

Wear this!

Decorate a room for my son like this!

and ride away with my man like this!


Monday, August 1, 2011

{Monday - Blessing Counting Day!}

Blessings #103 -#109

1) Ice cream and fresh peaches! So yummy!
2) Good singing!
3) Talking to friends in the nursery during church... while we watch our babies.
4) My sister hanging out at our house for a few weeks
5) Fresh corn on the cob!
6) Garden fresh green beans!
7) Getting stuff organized and put away in my house!

"In Everything Give Thanks, for this is the will of God, in Christ Jesus Concerning you.
1 Thessalonians 5:18