Monday, March 26, 2012

{ Monday - Blessing Counting Day! }

1) Getting summer clothes out for Samuel.

2) Visiting with a good friend and eating a yummy inside picnic lunch with her.

3) Spontaneously going to town with friends to shop.

4) Making yummy fajitas and guacamole for my husband and I .

5) Taking a trip up to Michigan to visit Eric's family.

6) Samuel and his cousin running around their grandparent's house.

7) Going to Beatiful Fredrich Meirs Gardens with family and seeing beautiful butterflies and flowers.

8) Seeing how God grants desires!

9) Watching my husband and son play with plastic boats and in the sand.

10) Going to Target and Taco Bell with Eric on a date.

11) Finding some cute clothes at Target.

12) Going to church with my parents in laws

13) Eating a yummy family dinner of meat loaf and mashed potatoes.

14) Hanging out in the kitchen working with my in-laws ( Love them!)

15) Talking with my parents on skype tonight! Love skype!

"In Everything Give Thanks, for this is the will
of God, in Christ Jesus concerning you.
-1 Thessalonians 5:18

Monday, March 19, 2012

{ Monday - Blessing Counting Day! }

1) The bird hopping up my steps this morning!

2) 2 gallons of sweet tea that was ready for company.

3) A house full of friends eating yummy enchiladas, and other yummy things.

4) Watching my son play with his little friend.

5) My husband preaching a good message Sunday

6) Spring Break!

7) The birds singing outside of my window.

8) The aroma of beautiful blossoms wafting through the air!

9) Eating a picnic lunch with my husband and son at the state park on Sunday!

10) The gift of pizza

11) Samuel loving watching the geese at the park.

12) Eric and Samuel walking together.

13) Watching "Courageous" with friends last night.

14) Yummy fresh strawberries with strawberry yogurt.

"In Everything Give Thanks, for this is the will of God
in Christ Jesus Concerning You."
-1 Thessalonians 5:18

Friday, March 16, 2012

{ Springiness! }

Source: via Dawn on Pinterest

Source: via Vicky on Pinterest

For some reason, the beautiful Spring weather is making me want to go to Callaway Gardens in Georgia ( I went there once when I was in my early teens). Isn't it Gorgeous!

Spring 2

I would love to wear something pretty like the above ensembles!

And have a pretty picnic like this! Doesn't that sound fun!

Monday, March 12, 2012

{ Monday - Blessing Counting Day! }

1) Worshiping the Lord to a beautiful song on my Pandora.

2) The beautiful blooming tree outside that smells so good!

3) Beautifully decorated cupcakes on Sunday!

4) Eating Chinese food with my family and visiting with friends.

5) Wearing a flowy springy skirt and sandals one day this week!

6) Getting a really good grade on a test!

7) Getting a new cordless phone this week!

8) Hearing my son say " Bah" ( bye) to everyone!

9) Yummy pizza that my husband made Friday night.

10) Eric and I continuing our competition in our games of Battleship! I win  a lot! It's fun!

11) Singing " The Wonder of It All" to Samuel one night, and then Watching George Beverly Shea
      sing it on You Tube.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

{ Wardrobe Inspiration }

Spring is springing! There is a tree outside my window that is flowering, and I LOVE it! Yesterday, I even wore a flowy skirt and sandals! I was a little chilly, but it was fun. Here is some pretty springy wardrobe inspiration!

Spring 2012

{ Check out my new Giveaway Roundup Tab at the top of the blog. I will be posting Women's and Children's Fashion Giveaways that I find around the web!}

Monday, March 5, 2012

{ Monday - Blessing Counting Day!}

1. I am so thankful that we did not get hit with the Tornadoes Friday. Only about 30 minutes to an hour
    hour away there was terrible destruction!

2. Helping package chips for the tornado relief effort Sunday night with friends.

3. Playing Battleship with Eric ( my husband)

4. Hearing Samuel say "Bah" for "Bye". It is so cute!

5. Hearing that a dear friend is pregnant again!

6. Hearing a wonderful sermon in the basement of our chapel while hiding out from the tornadoes!

7. Drinking a yummy banana smoothie!

8. Playing basketball with Eric.

9. Drinking sparkling grape juice!

10) Getting my replacement Kindle in the mail! I'm so happy Amazon sends you another one if your
       little baby gets a hold of yours and breaks it! This time I'm gonna try to keep it even safer!

"In Everything Give Thanks, for this is the Will of God
in Christ Jesus concerning You."
-1 Thessalonians 5:18