Thursday, May 30, 2013

{ What Kids Wore }

We had a fun Memorial Day on Monday. We took our new Jon Boat out on its maiden voyage on a lake. Eric has been fixing it up for awhile, so was excited to see how it would do. It did great, and it was such a beautiful evening to be out. Samuel especially had fun, and Naomi, really didn't enjoy her life jacket experience too much. We got Samuel a cool new one, and he did fine with his. The second pictures are of Samuel climbing a tree. I told him to stand by the tree, and he just shimmied up it. Turns out, Eric taught him, and I didn't know he knew how! The picture of Naomi is of her in a pretty dress my Mother bought for her as a baby present. She looks so sweet in it!

                          Lifejacket and tee: Walmart. Shorts: thrifted

                 Tee: thrifted; Shorts: Gifted

       Dress: Dillards, gift from my Mother; Headband: hand-me-down

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

{ Getting Fit and Healthy - Week 4 }

When I got on the scale yesterday for my weigh-in, I was pretty shocked to discover I had dropped 5 pounds this past week! Yay! So excited about that. Now I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight for Naomi. It only took a little over 4 months. BUT, still have to lose all I gained with my pregnancy for Samuel, and from when I caved too much to the munchies after I had him. I am encouraged though. I really didn't even exercise this past week. I did make an effort to eat smaller helpings though.

My stats:

Highest weight since start of challenge: 167.6 lb.
Weight at yesterday's weigh-in: 162 lb.
Goal weight: 135 lb.
Height: 5'8

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

{ What Kids Wore - Wednesday! }

I have been really enjoying dressing Naomi. This past week, two different people gave me lots of nice baby clothes. For most of the week, my living room has been full of baby clothes! Today, I finally got to put everything that fits Naomi now, in her drawers and closet! I usually take Naomi's outfit pictures as soon as I get her dressed in the morning, as she is  quite the "spitter-upper" and she usually goes through at least two outfits a day. If I don't take them right away, they get spit up on them in about 10 minutes! Here are a couple of outfits she wore this week.

 Outfit details: onesie: Walmart, skirt: Children's Place via Thrifted, sandals: Old Navy via hand-me-down, headband: hand-me-down

 Naomi and Samuel sharing a sweet moment

Outfit details: skirt and onesie: Thrifted and Garage Sale, headband: My Little Legs

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

{ Getting Fit and Healthy - Week 3 }

Well, I am basically back where I started weight-wise. I do think I am gaining muscle though, and getting toner from my workouts. I will keep going, and I have 10 more weeks to go in the weight-loss competition. Right now, ice cold water is my good friend. I plan to work more on portion control this week, and see if that helps.


Height: 5'8
 Starting weight: 167.4 lb.
Weight today: 167.7 lb.
Goal: 135 lb. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

{ What Kids Are Wearing - Wednesday }

I really do love dressing my children, and having a little girl is so much fun. I'll admit, it has had a small learning curve though. It seems to me that dressing boys is easier than dressing girls. It seems more straightforward.  Naomi wears all kinds of different sizes too. She is almost 4 months, and she can wear 12 month skirts, probably because of cloth diapers. I took Samuel's picture when we went hiking on Sunday. I love his hiking look.

 Outfit details: hoodie: thrifted , pants: thrifted, sandals: Walmart

 Outfit details: shirt: Old Navy via Thrifted, pants: Gymboree via Thrifted: headband: hand-me-down

Outfit details: Onesie: hand-me-down; Skirt: hand-me-down: headband: My Little Legs

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

{ Getting Fit and Healthy - Contest Week 1 - 2 }

Well these past two weeks have been good. I lost a pound the first week, but gained back 2 ounces this week. I have been enjoying walking, and I have a workout routine I have been doing some evenings. Maybe I am gaining muscle! Sunday we went hiking as a family. We went to a beautiful little waterfall area we hadn't been to before. It was about a 1.3 mile hike, and Samuel walked almost the whole thing. I carried Naomi in my Boba wrap. I plan to work out most days this week, if all goes well.


Height: 5'8
Weight at start of contest: 167.4 lb.
Weight today: 166.6 lb.
Goal: 135 lb.

Monday, May 13, 2013

{Mothering Monday }

I hope you all had a wonderful Mothers' Day! I definitely did! I got cards from my Mom, Grandma, and sister, and my husband took me out to eat twice, and we went hiking yesterday at my request. I am thankful to have such a wonderful mother, 2 grandmas, mother-in-law, and grandmother-in-law. They are all such blessings in my life! I am thankful for all they have invested in both my and my husband's lives. I am also thankful God has seen fit to let me be a mother to my two sweet little children. It is definitely a God-ordained job to raise children who are eternal souls.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

{ What Kids Wore Wednesday! }

Well, spring is here, so my children are now wearing mostly short-sleeves!  At first, Samuel was kinda confused about the concept of shorts and t-shirts, and kept trying to pull them down. Pretty funny! Here is what they have been wearing lately.

 Outfit: shirt and jeans - thrifted or garage sale, shoes -Walmart

 pants and t-shirt: thrifted; sword: Vision Forum

 Outfit: Capris and shirt- garage sale; hair band- My Little Legs

Outfit: dress - garage sale; head band - My Little Legs

{ Fabulously Feminine! }

Here are a bunch of really pretty and feminine outfits from around the blogosphere! Enjoy the beautiful inspiration!

Source: via Hannah on Pinterest