Thursday, April 28, 2011

{ Wardrobe Inspiration - Royal Wedding }

Royal Wedding
If you were going to the Royal Wedding, what would you wear? In doing some research, I found that you should not wear  a black outfit, or a white outfit, and since it is being held in Westminster Abbey, you would need to wear sleeves. I think I would wear something like the above, if I was invited to the Royal Wedding! Can't wait to get up tomorrow morning, and see some pictures and video of the event! If any of you are going to watch it Live, have fun!

{ Small Style - Thursday }

Today on Small Style, I am going to show you some Easter pictures! Hope you like them! It was a nice day, and we gave Samuel his first Easter basket, and he had to find it! It was cute!

 "Hi Mommy!"

 He found it!

 Easter goodies!

Samuel's First Easter basket!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

{ What I Love Wednesdays! }

Ok, I will admit it, what I love this week is everything Princessy! Can you guess why?! There is going to be a Royal Wedding this week! I feel like watching lots of Princess movies. What are your favorite princess or Royal movies? Here is what I am liking:

image from

image from

I have not watched the movie "Young Victoria" yet, but I plan to in the next couple of days. Are you planning on watching the Royal Wedding? I hear it is going to take place basically in the middle of the night American time. I don't really know if I feel like doing an all-nighter. We shall see!

Monday, April 25, 2011

{ Monday - Blessing Counting Day!}

Blessings #75 - #81

75) A really moving and thought-provoking Easter Cantata last Sunday night, complete with acting!
76) Celebrating a Seder meal on Passover - a time of Rememberence!
77)  Life, because He gave His!
78)  Putting together Samuel's first Easter basket!
79)  A fun Easter egg hunt and pinata Saturday at our church.
80)  Resurrection Sunday - Because He lives, we also shall Live!
81)  Another Easter Cantata last night, white tablecloths and flowers for Easter lunch, Easter candy!

"He is not here: for he is risen..."
-Matthew 28:6a

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

{ What I Love Wednesday }

Today I am loving all of these adorable Easter things for babies! They are all from Etsy. I love that site! Today in town we bought our son, Samuel, things to put in his Easter basket. I am going to paint a little basket that I have, and make it Samuel's Easter basket. He has an adorable outfit, and I am excited about Easter. Yesterday, we celebrated a Passover Seder meal, and Samuel had his first taste of grape juice. Last Sunday we went to an amazing Easter cantata complete with acting. It was a very moving experience, and made me desire to love and serve Jesus more, because he did so much for me!
Have a happy time getting ready for Easter!

{ What I Wore - Wednesday }

So after my previous post about the Maxi trend, I decided to wear my maxi skirt in honor of that!

skirt : thrifted
top   : Clothes Mentor (higher end thrifty place) originally Simply Vera from Kohls
cardi:  Kohls (Simply Vera)
belt  :  J.C. Penneys - was a Christmas gift
heels:  Plato's Closet

went to lunch in the dining hall, then changed into sandals, went to town, took off the sweater and belt ( not too easy to nurse a baby with this belt on!), did the dishes, straightened up the house, watched some Netflix, did bloggy stuff. Yep, that was my afternoon!

{ The MAXI }

So if you have looked at many fashion blogs, or online clothes stores, you have probably noticed that Maxi dresses and skirts are definitely IN style this year! I have had very mixed feelings about this trend. I love beautiful, and feminine clothes, and I have just not been sure if the maxi skirt and dress trend qualifies as pretty and beautiful. I have come to the conclusion that in my opinion, some of them are just plain ugly and unflattering, BUT I have also come to the conclusion that many of them can be styled to look really fashionable, beautiful, and feminine! Go check out how these ladies styled their maxi dresses and skirts and be inspired to look beautiful and feminine in your own maxi style!

All Tumbled Down's  look really pops with the belt, bright lipstick, and hair scarf!
Shen Dove's    ensemble just pops with deep color and that vibrant scarf!
Kimbercraft's outfit is so bright and colorful! Check out the cute yellow flats!
Chloe's  outfit is really elegant and classy!
Cydney's  ensemble looks so put together. Don't you love her hair!
Hannah's    outfit is so great. I am really loving navy and yellow paired together!
Designgirl's   cute outfit looks great together. Love the belt!
Stylish Housewife's    outfit is so romantic. Love it!
Ashley's    look is So beautiful! I LOVE that dress!
JB's    outfit is colorful and hippy looking.
 Kendra's outfit is so colorful and pretty!

Monday, April 18, 2011

{ Monday - Blessing Counting Day! }

Blessings #68 - #74

68) God bring people to church Sunday who we didn't expect!
69) A man who had stolen the church's TV getting saved in the church yard Sunday morning.
70) Playing a fun game with some young people Friday!
71) Dancing lighted stick figures, hillbilly music, awesome drumming, etc. at a Variety Show Friday
72) Getting an awesome package in the mail with a pretty necklace I had won, and an awesome bag to go with it!
73) Good conversation with the ladies in our "Created To Be His Helpmeet" Bible Study.
74) Eating yummy food, and good conversation, and inspiration at a small retreat.

"In Everything give Thanks, for this is the will
of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
-1 Thessalonians 5:18 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Easter Baking!

Spring Baking!

Easter is coming! Today is already Palm Sunday! I thought the above set was wonderful inspiration for Easter baking. I am planning on making some pretty cupcakes to bring to the Easter Egg Hunt at our church next Saturday. Are you planning on making anything  sweet, yummy, and Eastery?

"...Blessed be the King that cometh in the name of
the Lord: peace in heaven, and glory in the highest."
-Luke 19b

Thursday, April 14, 2011

{ Small Style - Thursday }

Here is what Samuel wore to church almost two weeks ago. I thought he looked so handsome! It was a gorgeous springy day!

 Samuel and Eric

Jeans : Levi's my mom brought for him
shirt  : Target

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

{ What I Wore Wednesday }

Lavender skirt :Thrifted
T-shirt              :  Thrifted
Black shrug     :  Ross's Dress For Less
Black sandals  :  Walmart

Where:   To lunch in the dining hall, doing dishes, taking care of Samuel, going to our little mountain church.

Monday, April 11, 2011

{ Monday - Blessing Counting Day! }

Blessings #61 -#67

61) A little son who is discovering everything around him!
62) A weekend pastor's retreat in Tennessee
63) Lots of older couples to love on Samuel ( our son ) during the retreat
64) Letting Samuel swing on the baby swing at a park, and enjoying his cute smiles.
65) Time spent hanging out with my great husband over the weekend.
66) Getting to see Cumberland Falls, and look at the really cool houseboats at Laurel Lake!
67) Hanging out in a really cool big room at a State Park Lodge, watching a movie.

"In Everything Give Thanks, for this is the
will of God in Christ Jesus Concerning You."
-1 Thessalonians 5:18

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

{ What I Wore - Wednesday! }

What :
shirt : Kohls
skirt: gifted to me by my mom
shoes: espadrilles that are hand-me-ups from my younger sister

Where: lunch in the dining hall, laundry, taking care of our baby, dishes, probably a youth rally tonight. I ditched the espadrilles after lunch though in favor of barefootness or throwing on shoes to go outside.

Monday, April 4, 2011

{Monday - Blessing Counting Day! }

Blessings # 54 - #60

54) So thankful that my Mom got to visit last weekend. It was awesome having her all the way from Texas!
55) Our little son that is beginning to pull up on everything!
56) Eating Thai food with my husband at a nice little place in Lexington.
57) Finding the color shirts that I wanted at Target!
58) Laying out on a blanket on Sunday afternoon outside our church, and basking in the warmth and playing
      with Samuel
59) Being able to give a 14 year old girl who comes to our church a book that meant a lot to me!
60) Having a good conversation with a young lady here at the college while I walked the circle last night.

Friday, April 1, 2011

{Wardrobe Inspiration} - April Showers Bring May Flowers!

April Showers bring May Flowers
Happy April! Here in Kentucky, the grass is getting green, the trees are in bloom, the birds are singing, but we have still had some chilly and rainy days too. You've heard the saying, " April Showers bring May Flowers!"  I love the beautiful springy colors in today's Wardrobe Inspiration. I love spring!

"To everything their is a season, and a time to every purpose
under the heaven:"
-Ecclesiastes 3:1