Monday, June 13, 2011

{Monday - Blessing Counting Day!}

Blessings #89 - #95

89) A pile of clean diapers for Samuel to start the week!
90) Friends who invited us over for yummy ice cream after church!
91) A baby crawling fast through the house laughing!
92) Being able to get "my corner" organized!
93) Going swimming with friends...and looking out over the pretty lake!
94) My husband not letting go of my hands while I was floating over really deep water ( I can't swim)
95) Compliments from my sweet husband! 

"In Everything Give Thanks, for this
is the will of God, in Christ Jesus Concerning You."
-1 Thessalonians 5:18


  1. I'm a poor swimmer so I especially relate to # 94. :-) My husband, on the other hand, is a fish so thankfully he taught our kids to take after him instead of me.

    So good to see a young mom enjoying the blessings of her little one! God bless.

  2. A great round-up of blessings for sure! I always feel thankful when I can steal away for a bit and get some organization done :)

    ❤ Cat brideblu

  3. Awww, compliments from a sweet husband - those are the best.
