Monday, April 9, 2012

{ Monday - Blessing Counting Day! }

1) Knowing that I serve a Living Saviour.

2) Cleaning the house for Holy Weekend.

3) The White tablecloth and purple scarf and candles and cross on my table.

4) The Passover Seder Celebration here at the College.

5) Dressing up in white and purple for the Seder.

6) Taking Communion by candlelight with Eric and Samuel on Good Friday Night.

7) Watching Samuel hunt for Easter eggs.

8) Playing in the creek with Samuel.

9) Eating extremely yummy sandwiches at a cool pizza place in Red River Gorge.

10) Visiting with a nice couple who were rock climbers from Canada at the pizza place.

11) Dressing up for Easter Sunday.

12) A wonderful Easter sermon.

13) Hiding Samuel's Easter basket and Eric's Easter package.

14) Watching Eric find his Easter package.

15) Taking Easter pictures.

16) The beautiful cake  pops for Easter lunch

"In Everything Give Thanks, for this
is the will of God, in Christ Jesus Concerning You."
-1 Thessalonians 5:18

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