Friday, June 14, 2013

{ Friday - Fun Day! }

I decided that I want to read or finish at least 10 books, and watch at least 15 movies in the next two months of summer! That sounds like fun right?!  We are going on vacation in about a week, so I am sure that I will be doing a lot of both of those things on vacation, as well as other fun stuff like...playing in the lake, eating ice cream, shopping, and spending quality time with family! I will try to keep you updated as I go along. If you have any great recomendations, let me know!

 I just watched this movie the other night, and it was pretty good, especially if you like Disney movies of the teenage genre...which I happen to!

1 comment:

  1. i love teenage genre! my husband laugh at me everytime i watched high school movies

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