Wednesday, July 31, 2013

{ What Kids Wore Wednesday }

A couple of weeks ago Naomi turned 6 months old, and as promised, here are her 6 month pictures! Time is flying with her! She is quite mobile now, getting into everything she can when she has tummy time. She has been teething for a few months now, but no teeth yet! She is such a smiley little girl, and loves everybody!

Outfit: skirt- Zulilly, onesie- hand-me-down, hair band - hand-me-down. 
(No worries, I was watching her close with that balloon!

{ Getting Fit and Healthy - Update }

Yesterday was the end of my 13 week Weight Loss Challenge. I was doing it with 5 other ladies. I am happy to report that I lost about 10 lb! Yay! I am super excited about that! I have lost all my baby weight from my pregnancy with Naomi, and working on my pregnancy weight from Samuel (or sweets weight, not sure!) I have been incorporating the eating plan from Trim Healthy Mama with good results. I am not completely doing their plan, although I think it is awesome! Their Facebook group has a really great support system. I have been making my own yogurt lately, which enables me to have a healthy snack or breakfast. I had an amazing bowl of plain yogurt, with chopped up fresh peaches, and whole fresh blackberries, vanilla, and sweetened with Nunaturals stevia. It was so yummy and summery! Try it sometimes! I plan to keep on this journey of becoming fit and healthy. Can't wait to give you more updates!

Starting weight: 167.5 lb.
Weight yesterday: 156.8 lb.
Goal weight: 130 lb. and firm and toned

Monday, July 29, 2013

{ Mothering Monday - Our Michigan Vacation }

Hope you are expecting an amazing week this week! My baby girl is playing on the floor and giving me the cutest smiles right now! She is so close to crawling. Her brother just adores her. Anyway, here are more pictures of our Michigan vacation.

 Naomi takes her first swim while her Grandma watches

 Naomi enjoyed being out on the lake in her "boat"

 Pretty Beach babe

 Samuel had fun at the beach

 Love this picture of Eric and Samuel

 Samuel playing with his friend Konner

 Naomi and Kallen hanging out

 Samuel and Konner all chilly from playing in the water
 My friend Krista and I and our little ones. She gave birth to a sweet baby boy the very next day!

 Samuel having fun with his cousin, Mason.

 Samuel really enjoyed this ice cream cone!

My handsome man eating an ice cream

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

{ What Kids Wore Wednesday - Summer Fun Style }

So here are some pictures of what Samuel wears when he does all sorts of fun Summer stuff like fishing, swimming, and camping! Naomi is wearing a sweet little summer outfit. She is 6 months old today, but I will post her 6 month pictures next week! Hope you are having a great summer!

 outfit: shirt - thrifted, shorts - Children's Place via Thrifted, Sandals - Walmart

 Outfit: shirt - Walmart, Shorts - Meijers via Grandma

 Outfit: shirt- Old Navy via Thrifted, shorts - Children's Place via Thrifted

 Outfit - both thrifted, sandals - Walmart

Naomi's outfit : hand-me-down, headband - juDanzy

Thursday, July 11, 2013

{ Our Fourth of July! }

We had a really great Fourth of July in Michigan. We went to a fun parade, and for the record, if you have a float, freeze-pops are awesome to give out on hot summer days! We had lots of hot dogs and steak, Samuel  played in the balls and on an inflatable for the first time at a small-town Carnival, and we watched some beautiful fireworks on the sand that night with family. Such a wonderful Independence Day!  Here are some pictures!

 Naomi and I waiting on the parade

  Eric and Naomi 

 Eric's Grandpa is a Korean veteran

 Pretty old fire engine!

 Samuel really got the waving thing down!

 Naomi decided to get some sleep!

 Family picture of us

 Samuel getting hydrated before the parade starts

 Us ladies 

 Samuel plays in the balls for the first time

 Naomi and I at the Carnival

 Naomi sitting all pretty at great-grandma's house

 Samuel on the inflatable 

Eric getting some fishing in at the lake before the fireworks start. He got a really big fish