Monday, February 11, 2013

{ Mothering Monday }


Life with two children is going pretty well! It greatly helped to have my mom here with me to help out for the first two weeks. The house is a little less clean (it wasn't that great before though!). It also takes a lot longer to get ready to go anywhere. We haven't made it to church on time yet! My ring sling and Boba wrap have been invaluable in going out and about. Naomi is already up to 8 lb. and 9 oz., and she spits up a ton! That is rather annoying, but at least she is getting plenty of milk. I have been enjoying taking care of her and Samuel, and loving my husband. I often think of the Bible verse that says, "Every good and perfect gift comes from Above." They are all my good and perfect gifts, and I enjoy loving on them!