Wednesday, May 22, 2013

{ What Kids Wore - Wednesday! }

I have been really enjoying dressing Naomi. This past week, two different people gave me lots of nice baby clothes. For most of the week, my living room has been full of baby clothes! Today, I finally got to put everything that fits Naomi now, in her drawers and closet! I usually take Naomi's outfit pictures as soon as I get her dressed in the morning, as she is  quite the "spitter-upper" and she usually goes through at least two outfits a day. If I don't take them right away, they get spit up on them in about 10 minutes! Here are a couple of outfits she wore this week.

 Outfit details: onesie: Walmart, skirt: Children's Place via Thrifted, sandals: Old Navy via hand-me-down, headband: hand-me-down

 Naomi and Samuel sharing a sweet moment

Outfit details: skirt and onesie: Thrifted and Garage Sale, headband: My Little Legs


  1. Oh my goodness, Samuel's hair is to die for! Such cute babies :)

  2. So darling! Those gold sandals look like winners! I love good hand me downs and when you have so many cute choices it doesn't matter how often they get spit up on! :)

    Thanks for linking up!

