Wednesday, June 26, 2019

{ Early Spring Pictures}

In the early spring, we went fishing t a pond close by, with one of our friends, Andrea Mathis. She took the fishing pictures! Naomi caught the most fish! She really enjoys fishing. Eric and I attended Mount Carmel's Jr/Sr. Banquet, and it was very nice! My friend Monica was so sweet to do my hair for it.
Eric and I at the Jr/Sr. Banquet 


 A baby bump picture! 

                      ....Samuel by the pretty purple flowers

                           Naomi by the purple flowers

                    Jazzy with a fish she caught

 Samuel with his first fish of the season! 

 Monica and I at the Jr./Sr. Banquet 

               We read this sweet book this spring!

 Roasting some mourning doves, and some other meat on the fire outside

             Samuel finished his "Paddle to the Sea" map about the                      Great Lakes
                                   Another baby bump picture!

Jazzy by the purple flowers! 

                                         Jazzy singing!

Naomi brought me these pretty wildflowers one day! I've read that children give you flowers because they don't have much else to give you, so they should always be received most gratefully!! 

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