Monday, April 11, 2011

{ Monday - Blessing Counting Day! }

Blessings #61 -#67

61) A little son who is discovering everything around him!
62) A weekend pastor's retreat in Tennessee
63) Lots of older couples to love on Samuel ( our son ) during the retreat
64) Letting Samuel swing on the baby swing at a park, and enjoying his cute smiles.
65) Time spent hanging out with my great husband over the weekend.
66) Getting to see Cumberland Falls, and look at the really cool houseboats at Laurel Lake!
67) Hanging out in a really cool big room at a State Park Lodge, watching a movie.

"In Everything Give Thanks, for this is the
will of God in Christ Jesus Concerning You."
-1 Thessalonians 5:18


  1. A lovely list of blessings! I also really like the title and wallpaper of your blog. Peace and Joy!

  2. I love when they are discovering everything around them : ) The world is so exciting in their eyes...or in their mouths...don't they put every.single.thing! in their mouths? Lovely list.

  3. Baby days are so sweet - enjoy every minute!
